Bring nature into your home with the new kMix Editions colour range. Inspired by the colours of the natural world, kMix Editions provides tranquility and calm to every kitchen, bake after bake.
Available in Sage Green and Juniper Blue, the editions range is both energising and therapeutic, bringing a touch of the outdoors to any kitchen. The natural earth tones will make you feel nourished and restful for those beautifully balanced bakes.
Miks, kna og visp, vel vitende om at du får fantastiske resultater hver gang. Motoren på 1000 W takler hva du enn utsetter den for. Fra en tung fruktig brøddeig til en enkelt eggehvite.
There is a skill in the perfect fold, gentle so as not to lose air, precise so as to incorporate all your mix. With the kMix's delicate fold function, you can trust your mixer to get it right every time.
Vår signatur K-visp har to bakeverktøy i rustfritt stål – et deigverktøy og en visp. Pluss en krempisk. Håndter alle jobber med selvtillit. De kan alle vaskes i oppvaskmaskin for enkel rengjøring.