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Food processors Knife bladeBlender attachmentThin slicing disc
Ingredients 1 Wholemeal flour 110 grams Plain flour 110 grams Salt 0.5 tsp. Vegan margarine 110 grams Water 2 Tbsp. coldIngredients 2 Gram flour 50 grams Salt 0.5 tsp. Almond milk 200 grams Ingredients 3 Onions 4 Garlic cloves 4 Ingredients 4 Olive oil 2 Tbsp. Ingredients 5 Mushrooms 400 grams Ingredients 6 Olive oil 2 Tbsp. Ingredients 7 Fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp. White wine 50 grams Soy sauce 2 Tbsp.
Prep. (Before you begin) 1 - Cube the margarine.2 - Peel and quarter the onions. 3 - Peel the garlic cloves.4 - Destem the thyme. Getting started 1 - Fit the Knife blade to the food processor bowl. 2 - Grease and line the tart tin. Stage 1 1 - Add the first 4 of Ingredients 1 (flours, salt, margarine) into the food processor bowl.2 - Attach the lid and ensure it is locked into place.3 - Turn the speed to 4 and process the mixture until it has the texture of breadcrumbs.4 - Add the rest of Ingredients 1 (water) into the food processor while the machine is running.5 - Mix until the pastry comes together. 6 - Remove the pastry and form into a rough rectangle. 7 - Wrap in plastic wrap and chill. Stage 2 1 - Fit the Blender attachment to the machine.2 - Add Ingredients 2 (gram flour, salt, milk) to the blender attachment.3 - Blend until combined. 4 - Set aside for 30 minutes. Stage 3 1 - Clean the food processor bowl and fit the thin slicing disc.2 - Slice Ingredients 3 (onion, garlic) into the food processor bowl. Stage 4 1 - Add Ingredients 4 (oil) to the frying pan. 2 - Heat over a medium heat. 3 - Add the sliced onion and garlic. 4 - Cook over a medium heat for about 8 minutes, until soft and golden.5 - Transfer to a medium bowl. Stage 5 1 - Clean the food processor bowl and fit the thin slicing disc.2 - Slice Ingredients 5 (mushrooms) into the food processor bowl. Stage 6 1 - Add Ingredients 6 (oil) into the frying pan. 2 - Heat over a medium heat. 3 - Add the sliced mushrooms. 4 - Cook over a medium heat until all the liquid has gone. Stage 7 1 - Add the onions and garlic back into the frying pan. 2 - Add the first 2 of Ingredients 7 (thyme, wine) to the frying pan. 3 - Stir until combined. 4 - Pre heat the oven to 200°C. 5 - Transfer the pastry to a lightly floured surface. 6 - Roll the pastry out, making sure it will cover you tin, to a thickness of about 3 mm. 7 - Line the tart tin with the pastry, trimming off any excess. 8 - Prick the base all over with a fork. 9 - Freeze for 15 minutes. 10 - Line with tinfoil, making sure it is pressed into the corners.11 - Bake for 10 minutes at 200°C.12 - Remove the tinfoil.13 - Bake for 10 minutes at 200°C until golden.14 - Set aside to cool. 15 - Reduce the oven to 180°C. 16 - Fit the blender attachment, with the contents, back onto the machine.17 - Pulse briefly. 18 - Add the cooked vegetables to the pastry. 19 - Pour the milk mixture into the pastry. 20 - Mix carefully with a fork to continue. 21 - Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C until just set. 22 - Serve.
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