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Serves: 4-6Category: BeefPorkCourse: MainMachine: Cooking machineTotal time: 3 hours 45
ragout-alla-bolognese.jpg ragout-alla-bolognese.jpg
This recipe will work with any meat, but beef or lamb will give particularly good results. You can safely use cheaper cuts, and adjust the spices to suit your taste. Remember, the secret with braising is to cook your meat gently.


For the ragoût:


For the lasagne recipe, add:



  1. Make a quantity of basic pasta (see recipe on page 126) and use the Tagliatelle cutter for the pasta.
  2. Peel and slice the vegetables using the thick slicing blade of the Food Processor. Pass the pancetta through the medium screen of the Food Grinder (see Cook's note) and reserve. Pass the beef through the coarse screen of the Food Grinder and reserve. Then pass the onions, celery, carrot and tomatoes through the coarse screen.
  3. Attach the Stirring Tool, set the temperature to maximum and the speed to stirring 1. Add the pancetta and cook for 10 minutes. Add the onions and vegetable mixture and tomato purée in ingredients and cook for 5 minutes. Add the beef and cook for another 5 minutes. Slowly add the wine, and bring to the boil to release the alcohol. Add the milk slowly, ensuring it is fully incorporated.
  4. Attach the Splashguard. Lower the temperature to 95ºC so the sauce is simmering, and set the timer for 3 hours. Add seasoning if necessary before serving with the cooked tagliatelle.

Cook's note: The use of the Food Grinder isn't essential, as the ingredients can be chopped in batches using the Food Processor, however, the end texture will not be as consistent. 

To serve:

  1. To cook the pasta, half fill the bowl with salted water, set the temperature to 120°C and bring to a rolling boil. The pasta will be cooked after 5-7 minutes.
  2. Heat the sauce and mix the drained pasta into the pan, then top with Parmesan cheese.


Lasagne all Bolognese

  1. Make the Ragu alla Bolognese, but, instead of cutting the pasta into tagliatelle ribbons, cut it into 10cm x 15cm squares and leave to dry (Green pasta can be used for this recipe).
  2. Make ¼ litre of Béchamel sauce (see the recipe on page 148 / Sauces section).
  3. To finish, take a 30cm x 20cm ovenproof dish. Place some ragu sauce into the dish and place a layer of pasta on top, then spread a layer of Béchamel sauce over the pasta. Top with more pasta, then spread another layer of ragu sauce. Continue alternating like this until the dish is full and the sauce used up. Ensure you finish with a layer of Béchamel and sprinkle with Parmesan.

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