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Pork and Prawn Sui Mei Dumplings by Kwanghi Chan

Serves: 2Category: Fish & SeafoodPorkRecipe course: AccompanimentMachine: Food ProcessorTotal time (min.): 23
pork-and-prawn-sui-mei.png pork-and-prawn-sui-mei.png

Kwanghi’s speedy pork and prawn sui mei dumplings are a delicious side dish to your Oriental meal.


For the dumplings:



  1. Using a Kenwood food processor put half of the prawns in with all the other ingredients and blend until smooth, stopping and scraping the sides to make sure it's all smooth and blended
  2. Roughly chop up the rest of the prawns in the chucks this will give the dumpling the texture and mix with the pork mince in the bowl with a wooden spoon or similar
  3. Using a sheet of the wonton pastry place a tablespoon of the filling and bring the sides up until you have a drum shape dumpling in your hand with a smooth top on it with the back of your spoon. Make sure it's tight and place them in a bamboo steamer basket and steam for 6-8 mins in high steam. Garnish with a little caviar on top and serve.
  4. When ready serve with a dip of soy sauce and chilli oil