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Mulled Wine Christmas Trifle by Theo Michaels

Serves: 12Course: DessertOccasion: ChristmasMachine: MixerTotal time (min.): 120
mulled-wine-christmas-trifle.png mulled-wine-christmas-trifle.png

Theo’s ultimate festive dessert with all the wintery flavours in one glorious show-stopping dessert to serve to friends and family. It takes a little prep, ideally the day before, but assembling your trifle only takes a few minutes.


For the jelly:

For the custard:

For the chantilly cream:




For the jelly:

  1. Add all the ingredients (except the water) to a saucepan and heat until the jelly cubes have melted then remove from the heat before it bubbles, stir in the cold water and pour the jelly into the base of your trifle bowl and place in the fridge overnight to set.

For the custard:

  1. Add the egg yolks, cornflour, and sugar to the mixing bowl, place onto the mixer with the beater attachment and beat until creamed together and reserve.
  2. Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan until it just starts to boil, then remove. With the mixer on slow, carefully pour half a cup of the hot milk into the egg mixture.
  3. Once incorporated, pour in a little more, continue in batches until half the milk has been incorporated into the milk, then pour in the rest and turn off the mixer.
  4. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and return to the heat, frequently stirring as you do. Keep a close eye, and as soon as it starts to thicken, remove it from the heat – if it bubbles, the eggs will solidify, and you’ll have to pass it through a sieve.
  5. Decant into a cold bowl and place in the fridge overnight to set.

For the cherry cranberry compote:

  1. Place the cherries into a bowl to defrost, they will expel a lot of juice as they do – keep it.
  2. Once defrosted, mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan and gently while stirring until the mixture thickens and the sauce turns glossy, if it gets too thick, you can add a splash of water.
  3. Decant into a bowl and leave to cool overnight.

For the chantilly cream:

  1. Make the cream just before you are ready to assemble the trifle. Add all the cream ingredients to the mixing bowl with the whisk attachment and whisk until it forms soft peaks – don’t over-whisk or it will start to churn (if you do over-mix, add a splash of milk to loosen it).

To assemble:

  1. Once the jelly has fully set, and all the ingredients are chilled, start with the custard. Spoon the custard over the top of the jelly levelling it with the back of a spoon.
  2. Top the custard with ripped trifle sponges ensuring it is fully covered (you can add a splash of brandy or more Chambord over the sponges if you want to make it a little boozier!).
  3. Spoon the cherry and cranberry compote over the sponges, again, if it’s too thick, you can loosen it a fraction with a splash of water.
  4. Add the final layer of cream, spooning it around the edges and finishing in the middle, so you create a ‘mound’ of cream highest in the centre.
  5. Scatter over the toasted almond flakes and stab with a dozen or so fresh cherries.
  6. Bring to the table with awe and wonder!