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Mocha Frappe

Serves: 4Category: ChocolateRecipe Course: Drinks & smoothiesSeason: SummerMachine: Cooking MachineTotal time (min.): 10
mocha-frappe.png mocha-frappe.png

Try this refreshing summer pick-me-up for your next coffee morning with friends. Add or take away the coffee, chocolate, and syrup to find your perfect balance.




  1. Fit max blade to kCook bowl
  2. Add ice, cocoa powder, espresso, milk and vanilla syrup to the kCook bowl
  3. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  4. Attach lid to kCook bowl
  5. Blend - 20 sec, speed 12
  6. Divide ice between the clean drinking glasses
  7. Pour content of kCook bowl into 4 drinking glasses
  8. Top with whipped cream
  9. Serve

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