Here is a hot cross bun recipe suitable for bread makers. Alternatively select the dough cycle and bake in the oven. HOT CROSS BUN BREAD RECIPE Ingredients 750g 1Kg Semi –Skimmed Milk 175mls 280mls Eggs (medium) 2 2 Strong White Bread Flour 450g 600g Salt 1/2tsp 1tsp Golden caster sugar 50g 60g Butter 50g 60g Mixed spice 1tbsp 4tsp Dried Yeast 1½tsp 2tsp Add Fruit When Alert Sounds 3:00 3:05 Luxury Dried mixed fruit, chopped 100g 150g Cut mixed peel 25g 25g Glace Cherries, chopped 25g 25g Use Sweet Setting + Medium Crust Colour 3:22 3:27 Brush with a little golden syrup while warm to glaze. For more bread maker recipes see our website.