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Privacy Policy


De’Longhi Group considers the protection of personal information as very important and is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers.

The collection and use of personal information by DeLonghi (Australia) Pty Ltd (referred to in this Privacy Policy as the "Company", "we" or "us") is governed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy provides you with information in relation to personal information collected through our website, apps, web chat, competition entries and during phone calls.

Data That May Be Collected

We collect the following categories of personal information:

  • Contact data – your name, address, telephone number, mobile telephone number and email address;
  • Interests – information you have provided regarding areas that interest you, for example products you find interesting;
  • Other personal information – other information you may have provided regarding your date of birth, education, professional situation and household details;
  • Social Media Log-In – personal information related to your social media accounts as well as other personal information you may have given to that social network which is used to log in to our website (which may be disclosed according to the privacy preferences that you have set on that social network); and
  • Use of our website – information on how you use our website and how you open or forward our communications, including information acquired via cookies (click here to see our Cookie Policy which provides further information on our use of cookies).

How We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect, hold and use your personal information:

  • if you register on our website or download our app;
  • if you register through our Social Media Log-in function;
  • if you contact us to request pre-sales or after-sales assistance;
  • if you respond to our marketing activities, for example when you complete a reply card or submit your data online on our website;
  • if you fill out paper forms of registration that are collected in various ways (for example, during demonstrations, cooking classes, promotions or events); and
  • indirectly, if our other Group companies or our business partners provide personal information to us about you.

If you provide personal information on behalf of someone else, you:

  • must be authorised to provide that personal information;
  • are responsible for notifying the individual that you have provided their personal information to us; and
  • must ensure that the individual has read this Privacy Policy and understands how we will handle their personal information.

Please help us to keep your personal information up-to-date by informing us of any changes. Any change in address should be promptly communicated to De’Longhi in order to avoid problems in the use of our services.

Purposes For Which We Collect, Hold, Use And Disclose Your Personal Information

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information to:

  • establish a contractual relationship with you;
  • provide services as requested by you;
  • respond to your reports or complaints;
  • provide you with information concerning our service to you;
  • provide you with access to our website and allow you to register, including through the Social Media Log-in function;
  • provide you access to your personal area on our website;
  • carry out surveys to measure customer satisfaction in relation to our service;
  • inform you of promotional sales initiatives via automated means (such as email or SMS) and traditional contact methods (such as by telephone) for market research and statistical surveys;
  • provide information to other De’Longhi Group companies (who may be based in a country other than Australia) for activities connected to those set out in this Privacy Policy, such as marketing and advertising; and
  • to comply with our legal obligations.

Social Media Log In

You may register on our website using our Social Media Log-In function. Using this function, you will not have to enter the personal information usually necessary for registration (such as contact details), which will instead be collected from the social network through which you carry out your registration.

Please note that, if you use our Social Media Log-In function, we may collect personal information that is not only those related to your social media account but also any other personal information that could be made visible according to the preferences you have set or according to the privacy policy on that social network. Please read the privacy policy of the relevant social media network for further information on these preferences and how your personal information is treated by that social media network.

Sites for our other brands

Please note that we have a Single Sign-On system, under which the registration made on our site will be valid for all sites managed by the De’Longhi Group, including the "De'Longhi","Braun" and "Kenwood" brands (found at,, and

It is not necessary to provide your personal information again if you register with one of our other brand sites. However, any marketing and marketing profiling which we carry out (for example on the site will be used only for advertising material related to the specific brands you have registered for.

How We Keep Your Personal Information Safe

We use a wide range of security measures to improve protection and maintain the security, integrity and accessibility of your personal information.

All of your personal information is stored on our secure servers (or on secure paper copies) or on those of our suppliers or commercial partners, and may be accessed and used based on our information security standards and our policies (or the equivalent standards for our suppliers or commercial partners).

The security measures we have adopted include:

  • internal restrictions on access to your personal information, based on the need and purpose for which it was provided or for any other related and lawful purpose ;
  • perimeter security systems to prevent unauthorised external access;
  • permanent monitoring of access to IT systems to identify and stop the misuse of personal information;
  • tracking of access to your personal information by internal personnel and verification of their purposes for such access;
  • using encrypted means via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology for transactions on our website that require the entering of personal information.

Where we have provided you with (or you have chosen) a password to allow you to access our website, application or services, you are responsible for keeping this password secret and for complying with any other security procedure we inform you of. Please do not share your password with anyone.

How Long Do We Store Your Information For

We will keep your personal information for the length of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected or for any other related and lawful purpose. Therefore, if your personal information is processed for two different purposes, we will keep that personal information until the lengthier purpose is achieved. We will stop using personal information where the retention period for that personal information has expired.

When your personal information is no longer required, or when there is no longer any lawful reason for keeping it (or the retention period has expired) it will be irreversibly anonymized (and in such a way may be stored) or securely destroyed.

Who We Can Share Your Personal Information With

Your personal information may be accessed by our authorised employees and by external suppliers who support us in providing services.

Your personal information may also be disclosed to other De’Longhi Group companies (who may be based in a country other than Australia[, such as Italy]) for the purposes of the performance of their activities and in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions regarding our use of your personal information, or would like to make a request or complaint in relation to the handling of your personal information, please contact us:

DeLonghi Australia Privacy Officer

  • Phone: 1800 126 659
  • Postal address: Delonghi Australia Pty Ltd, Unit 3A / 43 Lyn Parade, Prestons NSW 2170
  • Email address:

Please direct your communications for the attention of our Data Protection Officer (DPO) and Privacy Manager.

Your Rights In Relation To Your Personal Information

Access and Correction

You have the right to request access to, or request we change, the personal information we hold about you. We can’t give you information about anyone else. We will respond to your request within a reasonable time of you making the request and give you access in the manner you requested, unless it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so.

We will allow access or make the changes unless we consider the that the law requires us to withhold the information, or not make the changes. If this is the case, we will let you know these reasons in writing.

Making a request is free. But depending on what information you request access to, we may need to charge you for giving you access to the information. The charges will not be excessive, and we will let you know if a charge will apply before we proceed with giving you access.

Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint about how we have managed your personal information, you can make a complaint by writing to us (see address details below). Once we have received your complaint, we will investigate and respond to you as soon as we can. We will usually respond within 30 days unless it is unreasonable for us to do so in the circumstances.

We take any privacy complaints seriously and will deal with your complaint fairly and promptly. However, if you are not satisfied with our response or how we handled your complaint, you may also complain to the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner (in writing) at:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
TTY: 1800 620 241

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 10th April 2019